This post covers so many things that I think about because my research covers place and writing. But I haven't thought to put myself into a character while out for a walk so I'm going to try that! Thanks, Sarah!

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I’m so glad it’s inspired you. I hope you have fun trying it!

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Very inspiring, and I loved the quotes from Dickens. I will channel this into my own writing about my urban wanderings in my newsletter The Ambient City.

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Lovely to see this has inspired you. Thanks!

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Such great ideas for triggering creativity, Sarah, thank you.

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Thanks! So glad to hear this inspired you. This post seems to have resonated with a lot of people.

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nice article - inspires me to consciously walk to write/compose; rather than 'niggle' over technicalities of existing work

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Lovely to hear it’s inspired you. Hope it leads you to something interesting.

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I LOVE this idea taking in walks from different characters’ perspectives. Brilliant. Thank you!

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Thank you! Have fun playing with your characters.

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