Jan 12Liked by Sarah Farley

Sarah, there seems to be a conscious or subconscious theme to your wanderings today. What with organs going up and down, fig leaves sparing blushes and things going on behind closed curtains.

I did find myself wondering about those moans emanating from below the tiger.

Enough of my musings, your walk reminded me of one of my favourite walks in Cadiiz along a shoreline dominated by a couple of trees enjoined in an arboreal embrace, leaves dropping as nature takes its course. Dogs and their owners love them and often pay their respects and spend time there.

My first pet was a dog called Mischief who once won a string of sausages as a prize. Later in life I had a gorgeous cockapoo called Paco who would wander around bedchambers and steal single socks.

I wrote about my trees in a different 26 project here



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Thanks for this post. I'd been thinking about using objects in our local museum as poem prompts this year and this has definitely inspired me to do something about it!

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Thanks for the restack!

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